Did Somebody Say Just Eat: Snoop Dogg Global Campaign
Clio Awards 2021: Bronze for Film Craft (Direction)
And bronze for Audio Craft (Music)
“And Friday’s newsletter? Snoop’s signed that off, right?”
“Yep it’s good to go.”
“Ok, great. And how are we doing on…”
I had to stop them there.
The sheer matter-of-factness about how Snoop Dogg has signed-off as part of our weekly CRM process had twisted my grey matter. Snoop Dogg. Snoop D O double G. The Doggfather. One of the most famous rappers, and entertainment icons in – let’s be honest – ever.
I mean we’ve all written a lot of exciting marketing emails but I did feel the need to interrupt at this juncture, just to point out that’s not a sentence you get to utter every day. And when you do, you can’t miss the moment.
It was July 7th. Our Thursday morning Brand Team catch-up. The teaser had dropped and it was just 24 hours before we unleashed the first stages of Just Eat’s new global brand campaign in the UK and Ireland.
Since then the sequel to 2019’s ‘Did Somebody Say Just Eat’ – a campaign that didn’t take a market research panel of rocket scientists to tell you was as annoying as it was catchy – is bringing new noise.
This huge in-house and agency collaboration between Just Eat, McCann London, Byte, Craft, and UM has been getting an incredible reaction. And I need to take another moment to give that a shout.
Not just cos it’s Snoop. Or because the track's genuinely decent, with all the skit-filled, self-deprecating humour that helped me fall in love with classic hip hop way back when. But because it shows how far we've come with our brand... and, most of all, because it’s made people smile at a time when we need one.
My first job at Just Eat was to evolve our global brand tone of voice – to try and unleash Just Eat’s personality potential. Now, 18 months, one bloody great merger, and a global pandemic later, this campaign – led by a brilliant TVC from McCann, (produced and directed by Riff Raff Films and Francois Rousselet respectively) – has epitomised the core characteristics we’d set out to ingrain...
Confident? Undoubtedly. Knows its audience? More than ever before. Inclusive? Big time. Lively? I mean you saw his tracksuit, riiiiight? Playful? Yes. And gutsy? ...in the middle of a global pandemic when every other brand is running grainy Zoom footage with shit acoustic guitar in the background? 100%.
This is a brand that wouldn't have considered sending itself up a couple of years ago. Let alone ripping the piss out of its own campaign. We’ve finally gone from trying too hard to tell a joke to genuinely sharing one. Perfectly fronted by an artist who has always shown his funny side, and likes his food as much as his herbs.
With this campaign we’re also finally starting to deliver a brand personality our competitors can't match. And we’ve gone from delivering food, to delivering a feeling.
Which was actually the brief... to deliver joy.
So, when all you see on every social platform is 🤣, 🌭, and 🔥... you know it’s working. And you know you've got something right.
It’s been brilliant to be a part of this one and help guide it creatively from a concept into culture.
Here’s some of the love…
The Drum - Creative Works: Just Eat: Did Somebody Say Just Eat? by McCann London
Campaign - Why Just Eat waited five weeks to unleash its Snoop Dogg campaign
Creative Moment - Snoop Dogg joins Just Eat to create new super-slick jingle
HITC - Just Eat’s 2020 Advert Stars Snoop Dogg And Viewers Can't Get Enough
The Independent - Snoop Dogg stars as delivery driver in new Just Eat advert
Metro - Snoop Dogg has turned into a Just Eat delivery driver because 2020 can’t get any weirder
Taylor Herring - Launching Just Eat’s tasty new campaign with entertainment icon Snoop Dogg
Press clippings from Taylor Herring
And some reaction from real human beings…
Nice one Stu… 🌴🍹
Super shouts and virtual fist bumps to our super CMO Susan O’Brien, our brilliant Global Head of Brand Stuart Eaton, our Global Head of Design guru Colin Chan, and our OG Global Content Manager Niall Barrow, alongside the top dogg talent that is our unbreakable Global Brand Team. And biggups to all the creatives and characters at McCann and Byte who helped us craft something to be proud of, then drop it like it’s hot.